3rd Week of Advent

Happy third week of Advent. The pink or rose candle represents JOY or rejoicing and reveals a shift in the season of Advent away from repentance and toward celebration. May your week be filled with joyful moments.  

Monday, December 13 Holiday Headwear Day (Uniforms still required.) Reconciliation, Grades 3-4 grades

Tuesday, December 14 Crazy Christmas Socks Day (Uniform still required.)

Wednesday, December 15 Winter Sports Fan Day

Thursday, December 16 Festive Holiday Clothing

Friday, December 17 NOON DISMISSAL  Christmas Cozy Day Plus time for dropping everything and reading. Bring in a good book to read and a flashlight. 

December 6

Wednesday, December 8th: Dress Uniform

Thursday, December 9th: Dress Up for Christmas Program Video Taping. Festive Christmas attire or dress nicely. encouraged. No shorts please.

Monday: December 13th Reconciliation Service

December 13-17th SPIRIT WEEK. We will send out an email when we have the specifics for each day so you can plan ahead.


Religion: Faith/Advent

Reading:RL.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Writing:Christmas narrative


Math: Focus on Division and interpreting remainders, review math concepts with season math games and continued work on basic facts with Boom Cards (always accessible to students in the Google Classroom).

Grammar:Finish Capitalization and Christmas Grammar

First Week Of Advent

Religion: Advent

Reading: Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe: RL.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Grammar: Capitalization

Writing: Opinion: Santa’s New Suit

Math: TBA

Happy Thanksgiving

Math: Plan a thanksgiving meal. Work on an escape plan for the Turkeys!

Writing: Thankful essay project

Reading: Main Idea and connections with text. 

Religion: Mass on Monday. Discuss Corporal Works of Mercy